Or brief and legal? Whatever. I got thoughts about She-Hulk’s show.


Did you know there’s a She-Hulk show (insert Futurama reference) coming up? Everyone’s all up on their Marvel these days, so of course, you did. This post is just my pitch, or really, the long form of one of my tweets. 


I’ve heard the She-Hulk show will a legal thriller, and all I need is for one of the episodes to feature The Vision. Namely, who owns his body. There’s a lot of interesting questions there, and it opens up some angles all over. It’s interesting legal stuff and touches on humanity’s nature and what it means to be a person. 

Does Bruce Banner (or that Doctor that built his body in the 2nd Avengers movie, who’s the name I forget) own The Vision? Is the property of the government? Or Wakanda (he’s partly stolen vibranium)? Did Tony Stark technically own him? Does Pepper now? Was he part of the Parker inheritance? Then you have to address whether Vision is a person. Also, who does Matt Murdock represent in this scenario?

I know it won’t happen.


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